I Love Touring Italy - The Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region
The multicultural region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia sits in the northeast corner of Italy bordering on the Italian region of Veneto, Austria, Slovenia, and the Gulf of Venice. Fruili's capital and largest city, Trieste, was ceded to Italy in 1954, marking the end of World War II. Because this region is so far north, don't be surprised that March is not really springtime here. Take a look at the map and you'll see why almost everywhere in this region is northwest of Trieste.
Partly because of the temperature Friuli festivals and events start slowly in March. The village of Forni Avoltri, population 700, located on the Austrian border about 80 miles (130 kilometers) northwest of Trieste hosts an unusual traditional celebration; the young folk throw circular burning pieces of wood, called lis cidulis, down from the hilltops on March 19. The city of Pordenone, population 50 thousand will hold its annual festival Dedica 2010 from March 13 to March 27 dedicated to the perhaps not so famous to most of us here German writer, Hans Magnus Ezensberger.
Who would expect a really big Far East Film Festival in northeastern Italy? The medieval city of Udine, population 100 thousand located some 80 miles (125 kilometers) northeast of Venice is the place for such movies during a week or so at the end of April. At least 10 countries participate. Then finish the month at the small town of Fogliano Redipuglia, population under 3 thousand, located about 20 miles (35 kilometers) northwest of Trieste which hosts the Gran Premio regional wine exhibition-competition. This region is well known for its wine and you will see why.
By early May the weather warms up. On 2nd of May the town of Coseano, located some 52 miles (80 kilometers) northwest of Trieste, hosts its annual "Coseano Vie d'Artista", a festival in which more than two hundred artists display their paintings on the town streets. Then bring the kids to the "Il Paese dei Balocchi" (Toyland) in the town of Rive d'Arcano, population about 2,500, also located some 52 miles (80 kilometers) northwest of Trieste. You'll all love Pinocchio accompanied by lots of music and games. In the middle of May the mountainside church of S. Pietro Zuglio located some 70 miles (110 kilometers) in guess which direction from which city you'll find the Kissing of the Crosses Celebration. Numerous crosses that originate in all the churches in the surrounding valley are paraded and then brought to this hilltop church. Participants marching in single file touch the cross of Saint Peter symbolizing Peter's devoted kiss to Jesus.
May means the International Chair Salon in Udine, the Sapori Pro Loco gastronomical festival in Villa Manin di Codroipo, a poetry festival in Monfalcone on the coast, and a musical festival in Pordenone. There's even a sundial festival in Aiello.
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